Sebelum raya aritu sempat lagik berbuka puasa dkt luar. It's actually a farewell treat for one of Daebo staff who finished his training in M'sia. Officially, we have to give him a memoriable treat before he fly back to korea. Some sort of tradition practise which practically used by their nature. Kami yg menurut perintah saje. Memandangkan our bos give us a very short notice instruction, i dont have much time to think a better place. We have to bring him for break fasting again. I did suggested for "bersahur". Hehehee gile kee hahahaha. It was my bos reaction. Lawak2. I am bersahur type of person, so it will not give me so big problem. My suggestion been rejected. My bos decided to make it at KL Tower (again!). prob at all. Most of other place has close their break fast promo. Only 2 days left for hari raya laaa. Mau tak nyer kan.
I only aim for 1 thing, their food. Why? i've put in my previous entry that their food was so~so (ikut my tekak la kan) compared to their lunch time. Jadik, i'll do some survey la whether buka pose food will be better or either. The result is.....SAMA je. Ade la tambah a few menu which i can accept the changes. Wahhh demand tul aku nih. Pay about more then RM100 per head. Why should i keep silent je kan. Gile ke tak kan...mahai tueee. Rasa nak bwk tupperware je. Heheh... I took several pictures...gigih tul aku ngarak ke hulu ke hilir camera pinjam. I left my big camera at home. Cam tak larat je nak bwk...pose kan. Hik2...Tuk menunaikan janji kepada tuan punyer kamera, maka sy dgn ini telah mengambil gmbr sehingga bateri anda kong. (kecoh la lu budakkk) if not...lagi byk gmbr aku bole amik tau! Quality wise...sila abaikan. Hehehe
seblom smp destinasi..dulu..jalan ni la yg aku lalu hari2 tuk pi keje. Kenangan tueeee la die venue for breakfasting. tuk minit2 terakhir ramadhan 2008
nampak tak lady yg nak naik escalator tue..tu la Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz (betul tak nih)
entrance and lift lobby...tak ramai org lagik time ni. Dah kul 6.30 pun mane nak ade org dah
3 pairs, 2 was permenantly and 1 new arrival...going up to seri angkasa
200 meter from sea level...tinggi tueeee. Restaurant entrance.........
Food station. They have 3 station all together. 2 main course and 1 dessert area
Treat guy in a right side, new arrival guy on the left side. My 1st plate...
Food station....serve variety....yg add on tue...nampak tak ade udang. Time bulan pose baru jumper tau. Kalau dinner biasa takde letak udang pun. (complaint ok)
my bos plate...tak agak tueeee udang....right side...treat guy plate. Oyster is a must
Lots of sushi which i'm not to it at all....right side ni baru betul...mesti ade nasiiiik jugek
small gift to treat guy....he know already what inside. No surprise....model pak pacak...
KL tower during nite time. Ade lagik org dtg melawat tue...mostly foreigner la kan
kdg2 aku nk mghabiskan duit part mkn ni jadik berkira bile makanan itew sgt hampehh..mmbazir btlla..rm100/head..mak ai..aku lum pnah try tmpt ni..klu tekak ko kate xsedap lmbt lg la aku nk klu org blanje xpela..
ieda ~ nama aku nak kuarkan duit sendrikkk tu idak le kan. aku pun bukan jenih perut tong. tu pasal la rasa nak bwk tupperware skali. hehehe. food die xde la hampeh benau.....ikut nasib je nih. kalau kene ngan selera ko jadik sedap. kalau tak kene ngan selera jadik la hampeh. btw, aku nyer perut still perut MELAYU. Mane2 pi carik nasikkkk jugek.
carik la tempat lain. aku pun dah boring duk tgk citer pasai restoran angkasa nih. nama nak ajak aku mkn pree tak la penah pong. lagi la boring aku baca.. muahaahaha
ye arrr..ajak lah aku jugak..
aku pun nk pi jugak..asyik ko jer pi...
zana ~ huahahahhaha...ade kite eran? huahahahaha
cmba ~ ajak je la bole..heheehe lelain tu aku tak mampu lagikk.....hiksss
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