Friday, January 30, 2009


Buat julung2 kalinya org bg aku kek! hahahah nak gelak pun ade. but i really appreciate it (eventhough it is a chocolate cake) today is not my birthday but yet it is just around the corner. The cake come with personal notes from him to me. Hahaha...lagi buat aku gelak besar td. Mcm mane depa tau birthdate aku, kebetulan....dok tanya ari ahad ni cuti ape. I was making joke, it's my birthday (with a serious face) lepaih tu aku conjuction, i'm giving a compensation holiday to everybody. Lagi aku bantai gelak mcm nak rak. Tapi tetap bgtau yg betul la...supaya takde kekeliruan...hasil nya arini dpt cake in adv. Thank you very much...


Zana S said...

sah2 la ada laie kat dlm freezer!!

aNoY said...

kak jana ~ yg ni dah abis la. ade kek baru, tuk plak amik tmpt duduk dlm aisbox